Somatic Healer & Hypnotherapist

Are you suffering from chronic dis-ease, trauma or anxiety?
Book a FREE 30 minute Consultation and start your healing journey today!
Do you feel like you are doing all the right things, living a healthy lifestyle, investing in natural therapies and remedies and yet still dealing with multiple mental and physical health challenges?

How to get to the root of the problem?

How to move through emotional challenges and dis-ease fast and easily or avoid it all together?
I know how it feels to have explored so much about natural health and emotional and physical healing yet still feel like there is a missing piece!
⚡ I was doing everything "right": eating well, exercising regularly, and investing in natural therapies and remedies, but I was still battling with a variety of mental and physical health challenges, and I didn't feel like I was getting to the CORE of the problem!
⚡All of this taught me a hard lesson: I was failing to consider and address my own unique experiences, traumas, and internal state of health - the health of my mind and psyche - and as a result, I was only ever treating the symptoms, never the ROOT cause!
⚡EXTERNAL elements can only take us so far in terms of health and healing...
⚡The true "cure" is brought about by an INTERNAL shift. It results from addressing the mind and the body, and bringing awareness to our unique experiences and traumas, allowing us to get to the ROOT CAUSE of the problem and thus resolve it!
⚡ I offer a different solution - evolutionary holistic approach, addressing the levels of MIND-BODY-SOUL.

More about me →

Download your FREE Healing Hypnosis
Listen to this Guided Hypnosis over the next 30 days to reprogram your subconscious mind and promote healing!

Individual Sessions
These sessions employ highly effective 1:1 personalized therapies to work powerfully on a very deep level in order to make significant changes in your state of health and happiness.

Work is done on a conscious and subconscious level to remove blocks, switch deep set limiting beliefs, and turn off specific biological programs (SBS) that are causing your discomfort and preventing you from thriving.

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