Meet Your Coach...

Hi, I’m Margarita. Nice to meet you!

I am a Healer & Mind-Body Coach!


Advanced Hypnotherapist

Life and Deep Transformational Coach

NLP Practitioner

TIME Technique Practitioner

Reiki Level 2 Practitioner

EFT Practitioner

Energy Kinesiology Practitioner

My purpose here is to teach, guide, inspire you to live the most authentic, high vibe, healthy life possible!

I have been on my healing journey for more than 20 years. I’ve had multiple chronic dis-eases and a long list of prescription drugs.

One day, after another diagnosis stating that my condition is not curable and I just have to accept it and live with it all my life, I told myself “stop”. I can’t agree to that. I’m sick and tired of taking pills which help only momentarily and when I stop taking them, the pain comes back.

I knew there must be another way, a natural way to heal my dis-ease. I have tried every possible healing modality during years of search and exploration. And I found it!

I transformed my life and I have since become an expert at natural healing.

I’ve manifested a life of health and vitality.

And now I want to help you to do the same.
Are you ready for a quantum leap?


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